The British Empire Specialists
Colonial Stamp Company Auctions
1 (877) 272-6693
1 (323) 933-9435
Consignments Wanted for 2025
We are now accepting consignments for our 2025 Public Auctions
Contact us today! Dial: 1 (323) 933-9435.
Overseas inquiries can dial: (00) 1 (323) 933-9435
Email enquires are also welcomed at:
We are the largest specialized auction house in America devoted exclusively to offering the stamps and postal history of the British Empire for both public auction and private sale. Your collection or consignment will be reviewed by many thousands of active collectors and stamp dealers all over the world. Our auctions are extensively advertized abroad. You cannot hope to find a larger or more enthusiastic audience that is specifically seeking to buy what you wish to sell!
The terms for consigning material are simple. First, please write or call with a description of the material before you send it. Your shipment should contain a minimum of $5000 potential realized value (For material totaling less than $5000, we will be happy to review it for outright purchase). Each mint or used item should catalog at least $250, unless you are forwarding a collection in its entirety. All 20th-Century material in that price range is acceptable. Nineteenth Century material should be in very fine condition. An inventory should be included with all shipments of sets and single items (not required for whole collections). Please send all shipments via registered mail for your protection. All material received that is not deemed suitable for consignment will be returned promptly. Shortly before the sale date you will receive a list of your items included in the sale and a copy of the catalog.
The commission rate is 15% for items realizing $100 or over. Due to production costs the minumum fee per lot is $15 for items realizing less than $150. There are no other charges.
Payment to consignors commences 60 days after the sale, subject to invoices being paid and items on extension having cleared.
I am prepared, when warranted, to travel anywhere to view important properties.
Future auctions are presently in production, and your collection will be placed in the first and most advantageous date open. We look forward to being of service to you and if you would like any further information, please feel free to call me directly. We can most definitely help you in the most profitable sale of your stamps.
George W. Holschauer
For the Record: We are major buyers of important U.S. and foreign stamp collections as well (We do not, however, auction this material, but we can effectively represent you in their private sale).
Our PUBLIC AUCTIONS offer a comprehensive selection of collectible and investment quality BRITISH EMPIRE material in all price levels.
We maintain large and all encompassing stocks (1840-1936) of GREAT BRITAIN and the entire BRITISH EMPIRE and can supply MANY of the stamps you have been looking for. We actively solicit copies of your want list (philatelic references, please).